Watching peppers grow

by | Jul 28, 2021 | 0 comments

These last few weeks, I’ve been amazed with the natural world once again.

Over the course of three months, I saw a tiny seed, grow from small delicate plant to a strong thriving one.

Just some water, soil, light and warmth… Perhaps with a bit of love in there. Talking to your plants actually helps them, although it might just be the extra CO2 from your breath, instead of the encouraging words and inspiring stories.

May 27. Going strong.
First sign of flowers.
Her little siblings over at my friend’s place.
Droopy first blossoms.
Time to self pollinate. These blossoms can pollinate themselves with just a little breeze or movement.
Nightly blossom.
Suddenly there were blossoms everywhere. I counted as many as 20! However, 16 dried out and fell to the ground. Which is normal, I found out after stress googling..
Peppers growing like cabbage.
All four of them on camera.
Turning red slowly.
About Evelien Renders
Evelien Renders works as an information manager at a Dutch research university and is the co-founder of Leornova, a training institution for higher education professionals. She identifies as a change enthusiast, early adopter and classicist.

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