Efficient Procrastination: Embracing the Ride

by | Sep 28, 2023 | 0 comments

There’s a certain sensation I know all too well, a nagging feeling that most of us might term ‘procrastination’. It’s that lingering weight on your shoulders, the knowledge that a task awaits, but you just can’t seem to tackle it head-on. Science provides a lens to understand this phenomenon; it’s often linked to our fear of failing or being imperfect. The brain tends to steer clear of tasks that might lead to negative emotions, and thus, procrastination ensues.

However, here’s the surprising twist: procrastination can be your ally. I’ve realized that the conventional wisdom of setting up fake deadlines never really worked for me. I need that genuine crunch, that palpable sense that I’ll soon have to showcase my work to others.

But, have you ever noticed the magic that happens when you’re in the depths of procrastinating? I’ve termed it ‘procrastination energy’. It’s when, to avoid that looming task, you suddenly find yourself vigorously cleaning the house, or maybe finally replying to months-old emails. This diversion, ironically, skyrockets my efficiency in tasks that previously seemed so mundane.

It’s as though by ignoring the pressing work, every other task seems like a walk in the park. And then, with the clock ticking, in that last adrenaline-fueled hour, I find myself breezing through the presentation that had been occupying my thoughts for weeks.

Instead of drowning in guilt, I’ve started to see the humor in my own dance with time. Recognizing and laughing at my own patterns has brought an unexpected lightness to my work. The most genuine advice I can offer to my fellow procrastinators is to understand your rhythm. Sometimes, it’s not about early starts but strong finishes. So, the next time you find yourself sliding into the 11th hour, remember: it’s just another crescendo leading to your grand finale.

About Evelien Renders
Evelien Renders works as an information manager at a Dutch research university and is the co-founder of Leornova, a training institution for higher education professionals. She identifies as a change enthusiast, early adopter and classicist.

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